Humidity levels between 35% and 55% is best for your hardwood floors.

Keep your home from harmful humidity

humidity levels below 35%

If the humidity levels in your home drop below 35%, your hardwood may be exposed to dry air which could result in its loss of moisture. Drying out of the floor boards causes them to splinter. contracting and resulting in gaps appearing between them. Avoid this by controlling your home humidity levels during the dry season, especially winter by installing a humidifier. A simple humidifier meter will help you keep the humidity levels in your home to at least 35%, and hence prevent the floor from gapping.


humidity levels above 55%

If humidity levels in your home go above 55%, you are exposing your wood flooring to excess moisture. This will cause the floor boards to absorb the moisture, swell and create pressure between them leading to warping or cupping. When a board cups, its edges rise higher than the center, making a “cup” shape. It can take a long while before the wood restores its shape after cupping or warping. To prevent this, keep the indoor humidity levels in control especially during summer.  You can use a dehumidifier or turn up the air conditioner to keep humidity levels below 55%

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